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a Tom & Julie Dawes website - serving YHWH (Yahweh)  -

The Father, The Lord Jesus Christ & and The Holy Spirit - The triune God Almighty!


By Julie A. Dawes

          I recently had the opportunity to talk with a few children about sin.   In my efforts to show them that we are all sinners, I asked them to name some sins in their own life.  I was surprised when they couldn't acknowledge any.

         I then explained that temper tantrums, selfishness, making fun of others, and fighting were all examples of sin.  As the list grew, their eyes got bigger and bigger as they came to realize they were, in fact, sinners.

Before I experienced the saving grace of Jesus Christ, I didn't realize some things to be sins either.  It was no big deal when I argued with people, spread rumors, or selfishly looked for the biggest piece of cake.   Besides, I was too busy judging other people!  I try not to do these things anymore (although I still look for the biggest piece of cake!)

           God revealed other sins to me, but I couldn't do anything about them until I first acknowledged my sinful pride.  Being prideful, I would only justify my behavior and attitudes.  

          For instance, my expectations of people were so high, that no one could live up to them.  As a result,  I was usually disappointed and even disgusted with the human race.   I felt justified with this attitude thinking my offenses were always their fault.  

        The Holy Spirit humbled me enough to acknowledge my pride and then these sins:  Bitterness, resentful, judgemental, unforgiving, selfish.  (Not a pretty picture!!)    

       As soon as I acknowledge a sin, God can begin the cleansing process through His Word and the Holy Spirit.

          So far, He showed me that I should hate the sin, not the sinner.  People are just trying to survive in this world same as I.  Since we all have different personalities, different backgrounds, and different circumstances,  we will all go about it differently.  

          He also showed me that I need to concentrate on my own sins and not be judgemental of others.  The Bible tells me to judge not, lest I be judged - by Him!  I can't expect others to be perfect when I'm not perfect myself.  By judging others, I'm putting myself in a position that should be God's alone.

Bitterness and resentment is no longer a poison in my system.  I'm able to be more humble, forgiving,  understanding, and compassionate.

That's not to say that I have conquered these sins.  Certainly not!  By acknowledging them, though, half the battle is won.  Jesus will do the rest.